Friday 26 November 2010

Survey Results Analysis

From the survey results we were able to identify the strong and weak points of our video. There were both positive and negative criticism and we will revaluate the negative points to make our video stronger.
We have found that the video was sutied to the era, the music and visuals were well linked and the relationship between characters were believable. This is incredibley important as our music video relies heavily on detail and mise-en-scene.

60% of the audience thought there were enough shots of the lead. Although this is the majority it is a point that both I and Lauren weren't too sure of and we will be including more close-ups of him.
A third of the audience didn't think the narrative was easy to understand and we think this is a high percentage so we will review the video and try to make clearer links and remove any footage that may be confusing.
We have been told that we need to incorporate more close-up shots of the lead girl and some more band shots. This is definitely something we will be including.

The section where the audience were able to voice their opinions reflected their votes in the polls but still gave us more constructive criticism which we will consider.

Survey Results

Thursday 11 November 2010


After completing our rough cut we have decided to make an online survey to gather feedback about the video. We're hoping that our faults can be made obvious and we can ammend them when we make the final video.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Photos from the shoot.

The Drama Pod before and after.

Jamie before and after.

Nisha before and after.

Photos from the shoot.

Preparation for the shoot.

Lauren and I met with Mr Hitchenson the music teacher to arrange plans to borrow instruments to use on October 16th.
I spoke to Mr Lee about the possible use of the school theatre on the day of the shoot.
Lauren began to echange e-mails with Mr Lee and Mr Nugent to confirm the use of the school. However, as the school is very packed with out of curriculum courses on Saturdays we have to use the Drama Pod inseatd of the Theatre as previously planned.
As the date and location of the shoot is confirmed, we decided to send a message to the memember of our facebook event to confirm or deny their place so we have an idea of numbers.
Laurena nd I went to buy the decorations for the shoot, which included streamers, party, poppers, balloons etc.
Tuann, Lauren and I stayed behind after school to make banners, posters and confetti.
Lauren had arranged to borrow some 50's clothing from our Media teacher and collected it later that day.

On the day of the shoot, Lauren and I and a couple of friends met at the school at 1.45pm to decorate the Drama Pod, blow up the ballons which would be used later and set up the instruments for the band.
The actors arrived at 2:30pm and began to change and have their hair and make-up done.
Snacks and Drinks were provided thanks to Lauren.
Filming started at 4:30pm and we finished at 6:00pm.
We then had to tidy up the Drama Pod and leave it as we had found it.

The shoot went very well and we had more than enough footage than we needed.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

E-mail Contact

As i went abroad for family reasons for a week, before I left i spoke to Mr Lee the caretaker about using the school for our video shoot.
Lauren then had to exhange e-mails with him to confirm the location.

Animatic Storyboard

This is the animatic storyboard. As it is anamatic is much more useful because it moves in time with the music and gives the feel of how the music video will turn out.