Thursday 4 November 2010

Music Video First Draft

1 comment:

  1. hi girls,

    Your rough cut is looking good, some clear ideas filtering through and we can really feel that atmosphere. Just some pointers for improvement:
    *you are going to lose marks for your camera work as it is shaky in places. I like the 'searching' shots of the crowd, it gives the feeling of the singer looking for the girl. However the shots of the band could really have been a lot more steady with more use of the tripod to get those shots. More close up shots of the singer in particular - I know it will be a pain to re-film these parts but it will be worth it.
    *Think carefully about your use of black & white, it looks amazing at the beginning with the slow motion. Could you use it elsewhere?
    *Could you frame the whole context somehow? It has a Grease feel, maybe you could pursue the idea of this being a live broadcast of the high school dance like in the film?
